From: Istio 安全
源码位于 security,编译后名称为 citadel。
Dockerfile istio.io/istio/security/docker/Dockerfile.citadel
FROM scratch
# obtained from debian ca-certs deb using fetch_cacerts.sh
ADD ca-certificates.tgz /
# All containers need a /tmp directory
ADD istio_ca /usr/local/bin/istio_ca
ENTRYPOINT [ "/usr/local/bin/istio_ca", "--self-signed-ca" ]
# kubectl exec -ti istio-citadel-55cdfdd57c-bh7dk -n istio-system -- /usr/local/bin/istio_ca version
Version: 1.0.5
GitRevision: c1707e45e71c75d74bf3a5dec8c7086f32f32fad
User: root@6f6ea1061f2b
Hub: docker.io/istio
GolangVersion: go1.10.4
BuildStatus: Clean
# kubectl exec -ti istio-citadel-55cdfdd57c-bh7dk -n istio-system -- /usr/local/bin/istio_ca --help
Istio Certificate Authority (CA)
istio_ca [flags]
istio_ca [command]
Available Commands:
help Help about any command
probe Check the liveness or readiness of a locally-running server
version Prints out build version information
--append-dns-names Append DNS names to the certificates for webhook services. (default true)
--cert-chain string Path to the certificate chain file
--citadel-storage-namespace string Namespace where the Citadel pod is running. Will not be used if explicit file or other storage mechanism is specified. (default "istio-system")
--custom-dns-names string The list of account.namespace:customdns names, separated by comma.
--enable-profiling Enabling profiling when monitoring Citadel.
--grpc-host-identities string The list of hostnames for istio ca server, separated by comma. (default "istio-ca,istio-citadel")
--grpc-hostname string DEPRECATED, use --grpc-host-identites. (default "istio-ca")
--grpc-port int The port number for Citadel GRPC server. If unspecified, Citadel will not serve GRPC requests. (default 8060)
-h, --help help for istio_ca
--key-size int Size of generated private key (default 2048)
--kube-config string Specifies path to kubeconfig file. This must be specified when not running inside a Kubernetes pod.
--listened-namespace string Select a namespace for the CA to listen to. If unspecified, Citadel tries to use the ${NAMESPACE} environment variable. If neither is set, Citadel listens to all namespaces.
--liveness-probe-interval duration Interval of updating file for the liveness probe.
--liveness-probe-path string Path to the file for the liveness probe.
--log_as_json Whether to format output as JSON or in plain console-friendly format
--log_caller string Comma-separated list of scopes for which to include caller information, scopes can be any of [default, model]
--log_output_level string Comma-separated minimum per-scope logging level of messages to output, in the form of <scope>:<level>,<scope>:<level>,... where scope can be one of [default, model] and level can be one of [debug, info, warn, error, none] (default "default:info")
--log_rotate string The path for the optional rotating log file
--log_rotate_max_age int The maximum age in days of a log file beyond which the file is rotated (0 indicates no limit) (default 30)
--log_rotate_max_backups int The maximum number of log file backups to keep before older files are deleted (0 indicates no limit) (default 1000)
--log_rotate_max_size int The maximum size in megabytes of a log file beyond which the file is rotated (default 104857600)
--log_stacktrace_level string Comma-separated minimum per-scope logging level at which stack traces are captured, in the form of <scope>:<level>,<scope:level>,... where scope can be one of [default, model] and level can be one of [debug, info, warn, error, none] (default "default:none")
--log_target stringArray The set of paths where to output the log. This can be any path as well as the special values stdout and stderr (default [stdout])
--max-workload-cert-ttl duration The max TTL of issued workload certificates (default 2160h0m0s)
--monitoring-port int The port number for monitoring Citadel. If unspecified, Citadel will disable monitoring. (default 9093)
--org string Organization for the cert
--probe-check-interval duration Interval of checking the liveness of the CA. (default 30s)
--requested-ca-cert-ttl duration The requested TTL for the workload (default 8760h0m0s)
--root-cert string Path to the root certificate file
--self-signed-ca Indicates whether to use auto-generated self-signed CA certificate. When set to true, the '--signing-cert' and '--signing-key' options are ignored.
--self-signed-ca-cert-ttl duration The TTL of self-signed CA root certificate (default 8760h0m0s)
--self-signed-ca-org string The issuer organization used in self-signed CA certificate (default to k8s.cluster.local) (default "k8s.cluster.local")
--sign-ca-certs Whether Citadel signs certificates for other CAs
--signing-cert string Path to the CA signing certificate file
--signing-key string Path to the CA signing key file
--upstream-ca-address string The IP:port address of the upstream CA. When set, the CA will rely on the upstream Citadel to provision its own certificate.
--workload-cert-grace-period-ratio float32 The workload certificate rotation grace period, as a ratio of the workload certificate TTL. (default 0.5)
--workload-cert-min-grace-period duration The minimum workload certificate rotation grace period. (default 10m0s)
--workload-cert-ttl duration The TTL of issued workload certificates (default 2160h0m0s)
Use "istio_ca [command] --help" for more information about a command.
- --append-dns-names=true
- --grpc-port=8060
- --grpc-hostname=citadel
- --citadel-storage-namespace=istio-system
- --custom-dns-names=istio-pilot-service-account.istio-system:istio-pilot.istio-system,istio-ingressgateway-service-account.istio-system:istio-ingressgateway.istio-system
- --self-signed-ca=true
可以在其运行的 node 节点上通过命令查看
$ /usr/local/bin/istio_ca --self-signed-ca --append-dns-names=true --grpc-port=8060 --grpc-hostname=citadel --citadel-storage-namespace=istio-system --custom-dns-names=istio-pilot-service-account.istio-system:istio-pilot.istio-system,istio-ingressgateway-service-account.istio-system:istio-ingressgateway.istio-system --self-signed-ca=true
istio-citadel 启动的 yaml 文件
# kubectl get pod istio-citadel-55cdfdd57c-bh7dk -n istio-system -o yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
scheduler.alpha.kubernetes.io/critical-pod: ""
sidecar.istio.io/inject: "false"
creationTimestamp: 2019-01-15T08:24:24Z
generateName: istio-citadel-55cdfdd57c-
istio: citadel
pod-template-hash: 55cdfdd57c
name: istio-citadel-55cdfdd57c-bh7dk
namespace: istio-system
- apiVersion: apps/v1
blockOwnerDeletion: true
controller: true
kind: ReplicaSet
name: istio-citadel-55cdfdd57c
uid: f6db1f80-189e-11e9-ab53-00163e0c1552
resourceVersion: "16685125"
selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/istio-system/pods/istio-citadel-55cdfdd57c-bh7dk
uid: f710ae31-189e-11e9-ab53-00163e0c1552
- preference:
- key: beta.kubernetes.io/arch
operator: In
- amd64
weight: 2
- preference:
- key: beta.kubernetes.io/arch
operator: In
- ppc64le
weight: 2
- preference:
- key: beta.kubernetes.io/arch
operator: In
- s390x
weight: 2
- matchExpressions:
- key: beta.kubernetes.io/arch
operator: In
- amd64
- ppc64le
- s390x
- args:
- --append-dns-names=true
- --grpc-port=8060
- --grpc-hostname=citadel
- --citadel-storage-namespace=istio-system
- --custom-dns-names=istio-pilot-service-account.istio-system:istio-pilot.istio-system,istio-ingressgateway-service-account.istio-system:istio-ingressgateway.istio-system
- --self-signed-ca=true
image: docker.io/istio/citadel:1.0.5
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
name: citadel
cpu: 10m
terminationMessagePath: /dev/termination-log
terminationMessagePolicy: File
- mountPath: /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount
name: istio-citadel-service-account-token-gdxfk
readOnly: true
dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst
nodeName: node02
priority: 0
restartPolicy: Always
schedulerName: default-scheduler
securityContext: {}
serviceAccount: istio-citadel-service-account
serviceAccountName: istio-citadel-service-account
terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 30
- effect: NoExecute
key: node.kubernetes.io/not-ready
operator: Exists
tolerationSeconds: 10
- effect: NoExecute
key: node.kubernetes.io/unreachable
operator: Exists
tolerationSeconds: 10
- name: istio-citadel-service-account-token-gdxfk
defaultMode: 420
secretName: istio-citadel-service-account-token-gdxfk
// /usr/local/bin/istio_ca
// --self-signed-ca
// --append-dns-names=true
// --grpc-port=8060
// --grpc-hostname=citadel
// --citadel-storage-namespace=istio-system
// --custom-dns-names=istio-pilot-service-account.istio-system:istio-pilot.istio-system,
// istio-ingressgateway-service-account.istio-system:istio-ingressgateway.istio-system // --self-signed-ca=true
rootCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "istio_ca",
Short: "Istio Certificate Authority (CA).",
Args: cobra.ExactArgs(0),
Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
runCA 的主函数流程如下:
func runCA() {
// --listened-namespace 设置 CA 监控的 namespace,如果没有指定会从 ${NAMESPACE} 环境变量中获取,如果都没有设置,Citadel 则会监听全部的 namespace.
if value, exists := os.LookupEnv(cmd.ListenedNamespaceKey); exists {
// When -namespace is not set, try to read the namespace from environment variable.
if opts.listenedNamespace == "" {
opts.listenedNamespace = value
// Use environment variable for istioCaStorageNamespace if it exists
opts.istioCaStorageNamespace = value
// 验证命令行
var webhooks map[string]controller.DNSNameEntry
// 如果设置了添加 DNS 名字的后缀
if opts.appendDNSNames {
webhooks = make(map[string]controller.DNSNameEntry)
// ServiceAccount/DNS pair for generating DNS names in certificates.
// TODO: move it to a configmap later when we have more services to support.
webhookServiceAccounts = []string{
webhookServiceNames = []string{
for i, svcAccount := range webhookServiceAccounts {
// istio-sidecar-injector-service-account
// istio-galley-service-account
webhooks[svcAccount] = controller.DNSNameEntry{
ServiceName: webhookServiceNames[i],
Namespace: opts.istioCaStorageNamespace,
// opts.istioCaStorageNamespace 运行的 namespace,默认为 istio-system
// ...
// 创建连接到集群中的 client
cs := createClientset()
// 返回 ca.IstioCA,用于管理证书链和签新的证书
ca := createCA(cs.CoreV1())
// For workloads in K8s, we apply the configured workload cert TTL.
// 1. 创建 NewSecretController 来完成对于 API Server 中的 ServiceAccount 和 Secret 的创建
sc, err := controller.NewSecretController(ca,
opts.workloadCertGracePeriodRatio, opts.workloadCertMinGracePeriod, opts.dualUse,
cs.CoreV1(), opts.signCACerts, opts.listenedNamespace, webhooks)
if err != nil {
fatalf("Failed to create secret controller: %v", err)
stopCh := make(chan struct{})
// !!! 运行 NewSecretController
// 2. 如果设置了 grpcPort,则启动相关 server
if opts.grpcPort > 0 {
// ...
ch := make(chan struct{})
// monitor service objects with "alpha.istio.io/kubernetes-serviceaccounts" and
// "alpha.istio.io/canonical-serviceaccounts" annotations
// 2.1 NewServiceController
serviceController := kube.NewServiceController(cs.CoreV1(), opts.listenedNamespace, reg)
// ServiceController
// 2.2 NewServiceAccountController
// monitor service account objects for istio mesh expansion
serviceAccountController := kube.NewServiceAccountController(cs.CoreV1(), opts.listenedNamespace, reg)
// The CA API uses cert with the max workload cert TTL.
hostnames := append(strings.Split(opts.grpcHosts, ","), fqdn())
caServer, startErr := caserver.New(ca, opts.maxWorkloadCertTTL, opts.signCACerts, hostnames, opts.grpcPort, spiffe.GetTrustDomain())
if startErr != nil {
fatalf("Failed to create istio ca server: %v", startErr)
if serverErr := caServer.Run(); serverErr != nil {
// stop the registry-related controllers
ch <- struct{}{}
log.Warnf("Failed to start GRPC server with error: %v", serverErr)
monitorErrCh := make(chan error)
// 3. Start the monitoring server.
if opts.monitoringPort > 0 {
monitor, mErr := monitoring.NewMonitor(opts.monitoringPort, opts.enableProfiling)
if mErr != nil {
fatalf("Unable to setup monitoring: %v", mErr)
go monitor.Start(monitorErrCh)
log.Info("Citadel monitor has started.")
defer monitor.Close()
log.Info("Citadel has started")
rotatorErrCh := make(chan error)
// Start CA client if the upstream CA address is specified.
if len(opts.cAClientConfig.CAAddress) != 0 {
config := &opts.cAClientConfig
config.Env = "onprem"
config.Platform = "vm"
config.ForCA = true
config.CertFile = opts.signingCertFile
config.KeyFile = opts.signingKeyFile
config.CertChainFile = opts.certChainFile
config.RootCertFile = opts.rootCertFile
config.CSRGracePeriodPercentage = cmd.DefaultCSRGracePeriodPercentage
config.CSRMaxRetries = cmd.DefaultCSRMaxRetries
config.CSRInitialRetrialInterval = cmd.DefaultCSRInitialRetrialInterval
rotator, creationErr := caclient.NewKeyCertBundleRotator(config, ca.GetCAKeyCertBundle())
if creationErr != nil {
fatalf("Failed to create key cert bundle rotator: %v", creationErr)
// 4. rotator 启动
go rotator.Start(rotatorErrCh)
log.Info("Key cert bundle rotator has started.")
defer rotator.Stop()
// Blocking until receives error.
for {
select {
case <-monitorErrCh:
fatalf("Monitoring server error: %v", err)
case <-rotatorErrCh:
fatalf("Key cert bundle rotator error: %v", err)
SecretController 内部会创建两个 Controller:
- ServiceAccount 的监听,如果设置了 listened-namespace,则监听该 namespace 下,否则是全部;
- Secret 的监听,namespace 同上,但是 Controller 只会监听自己创建的类型,即:type:”istio.io/key-and-cert”
实现的主要功能是为 ServiceAccount 创建对应的 Secret,Secret 中设置了相关的证书,在对应的 Pod 启动的时候进行加载;
// NewSecretController returns a pointer to a newly constructed SecretController instance.
func NewSecretController(ca ca.CertificateAuthority, certTTL time.Duration,
gracePeriodRatio float32, minGracePeriod time.Duration, dualUse bool,
core corev1.CoreV1Interface, forCA bool, namespace string, dnsNames map[string]DNSNameEntry) (*SecretController, error) {
c := &SecretController{
ca: ca,
certTTL: certTTL,
gracePeriodRatio: gracePeriodRatio,
minGracePeriod: minGracePeriod,
dualUse: dualUse,
core: core,
forCA: forCA,
dnsNames: dnsNames,
monitoring: newMonitoringMetrics(),
// 监听特定 namespace 下的 ServiceAccount
c.saStore, c.saController = cache.NewInformer(saLW, &v1.ServiceAccount{}, time.Minute, rehf)
istioSecretSelector := fields.SelectorFromSet(map[string]string{"type": IstioSecretType}).String()
// 监听 type:”istio.io/key-and-cert” 的 secret
c.scrtStore, c.scrtController =
cache.NewInformer(scrtLW, &v1.Secret{}, secretResyncPeriod, cache.ResourceEventHandlerFuncs{
DeleteFunc: c.scrtDeleted,
UpdateFunc: c.scrtUpdated,
// ...
// Run starts the SecretController until a value is sent to stopCh.
func (sc *SecretController) Run(stopCh chan struct{}) {
go sc.scrtController.Run(stopCh)
// saAdded calls upsertSecret to update and insert secret
// it throws error if the secret cache is not synchronized, but the secret exists in the system
cache.WaitForCacheSync(stopCh, sc.scrtController.HasSynced)
go sc.saController.Run(stopCh)
gRPC Server 启动
如果设置了 gRPC 相关的参数,则会启动相关的服务,同上也会启动两个 Controller 和 一个 gRPC Server,Controller 监听的 namespace 由 listened-namespace 设置,同上:
- NewServiceController:用于监听添加了注解
的 Service 对象;从注解中解出来对应的用户名对应的 Reg 注册表的映射关系中,当前 key 和 value 都是相同c.reg.AddMapping(svcAcct, svcAcct)
// KubeServiceAccountsOnVMAnnotation is to specify the K8s service accounts that are allowed to run // this service on the VMs KubeServiceAccountsOnVMAnnotation = "alpha.istio.io/kubernetes-serviceaccounts" // CanonicalServiceAccountsAnnotation is to specify the non-Kubernetes service accounts that // are allowed to run this service. CanonicalServiceAccountsAnnotation = "alpha.istio.io/canonical-serviceaccounts"
// ServiceController monitors the service definition changes in a namespace. If a // new service is added with "alpha.istio.io/kubernetes-serviceaccounts" or // "alpha.istio.io/canonical-serviceaccounts" annotations enabled, // the corresponding service account will be added to the identity registry // for whitelisting. type ServiceController struct { core corev1.CoreV1Interface // identity registry object reg registry.Registry // controller for service objects controller cache.Controller }
- NewServiceAccountController: 监听 ServiceAccount 对象;对于获取到 sa 信息,生成相对应的
保存到 Reg 注册表的映射关系中,当前 key 和 value 都是相同c.reg.DeleteMapping(id, id)
// ServiceAccountController monitors service account definition changes in a namespace. // For each service account object, its SpiffeID is added to identity registry for // whitelisting purpose. type ServiceAccountController struct { core corev1.CoreV1Interface // identity registry object reg registry.Registry // controller for service objects controller cache.Controller }
- IstioCAServiceServer:主要提供证书的生成和验证功能;
// CreateCertificate handles an incoming certificate signing request (CSR). It does // authentication and authorization. Upon validated, signs a certificate that: // the SAN is the identity of the caller in authentication result. // the subject public key is the public key in the CSR. // the validity duration is the ValidityDuration in request, or default value if the given duration is invalid. // it is signed by the CA signing key. func (s *Server) CreateCertificate(ctx context.Context, request *pb.IstioCertificateRequest) ( *pb.IstioCertificateResponse, error) { // 根据请求生成对应的证书 _, _, certChainBytes, rootCertBytes := s.ca.GetCAKeyCertBundle().GetAll() cert, signErr := s.ca.Sign( []byte(request.Csr), caller.Identities, time.Duration(request.ValidityDuration)*time.Second, false) respCertChain := []string{string(cert)} respCertChain = append(respCertChain, string(rootCertBytes)) response := &pb.IstioCertificateResponse{ CertChain: respCertChain, } log.Debug("CSR successfully signed.") return response, nil } // HandleCSR handles an incoming certificate signing request (CSR). It does // proper validation (e.g. authentication) and upon validated, signs the CSR // and returns the resulting certificate. If not approved, reason for refusal // to sign is returned as part of the response object. // [TODO](myidpt): Deprecate this function. func (s *Server) HandleCSR(ctx context.Context, request *pb.CsrRequest) (*pb.CsrResponse, error) { csr, err := util.ParsePemEncodedCSR(request.CsrPem) _, err = util.ExtractIDs(csr.Extensions) // TODO: Call authorizer. _, _, certChainBytes, _ := s.ca.GetCAKeyCertBundle().GetAll() cert, signErr := s.ca.Sign(request.CsrPem, []string{}, time.Duration(request.RequestedTtlMinutes)*time.Minute, s.forCA) response := &pb.CsrResponse{ IsApproved: true, SignedCert: cert, CertChain: certChainBytes, } log.Debug("CSR successfully signed.") return response, nil }
Monitor 服务主要用于对外输出检查,为 HttpServer, 主要提供 /metrics
和 /version
,如果启用了 enableProfiling
还会启用 /debug/pprof/
相关的路径;当 Monitor 启动以后, Citadel 则任务已经启动成功,打印以下信息:log.Info("Citadel has started")
CA client
如果指定了 upstream CA Server,还会启动一个 CA Client, 创建一个 rotator go routine,定期用于证书的轮转替换;
// Start periodically rotates the KeyCertBundle by interacting with the upstream CA.
// It is a blocking function that should run as a go routine. Thread safe.
func (c *KeyCertBundleRotator) Start(errCh chan<- error) {
if !c.stopped {
errCh <- fmt.Errorf("rotator already started")
c.stopped = false
// Make sure we mark rotator stopped after this method finishes.
defer func() {
c.stopped = true
for {
certBytes, _, _, _ := c.keycert.GetAllPem()
if len(certBytes) != 0 {
waitTime, ttlErr := c.certUtil.GetWaitTime(certBytes, time.Now())
if ttlErr != nil {
log.Errorf("Error getting TTL from cert: %v. Rotate immediately.", ttlErr)
} else {
timer := time.NewTimer(waitTime)
log.Infof("Will rotate key and cert in %v.", waitTime)
select {
case <-c.stopCh:
case <-timer.C:
// Continue in the loop.
co, coErr := c.keycert.CertOptions()
if coErr != nil {
err := fmt.Errorf("failed to extact CertOptions from bundle: %v, abort auto rotation", coErr)
errCh <- err
certBytes, certChainBytes, privKeyBytes, rErr := c.retriever.Retrieve(co)
if rErr != nil {
err := fmt.Errorf("error retrieving the key and cert: %v, abort auto rotation", rErr)
errCh <- err
_, _, _, rootCertBytes := c.keycert.GetAllPem()
if vErr := c.keycert.VerifyAndSetAll(certBytes, privKeyBytes, certChainBytes, rootCertBytes); vErr != nil {
err := fmt.Errorf("cannot verify the retrieved key and cert: %v, abort auto rotation", vErr)
errCh <- err
log.Infof("Successfully retrieved new key and certs.")